🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩
Advertising & marketing
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This site is in NO WAY associated with Elementor.com
A design and marketing company with some bold statements. I like that they focus on bold one-liners to present their services.
That being said, there are some strange elements on this site I feel don’t work…
First, why have the “Stats about us” where you tell your potential customers that you are not so good in delivering on time (87%) and that you are 10% lazy! If it’s an attempt to include humor it doesn’t work…
Second. Why have a big section with stock video with someone typing a MacBook? That does not give any value to the site and looks strange.
Please report broken link or if the site has changed significantly
Reviewed: September 21, 2021
We will NEVER EVER misuse your trust.